What are the top cache plugins for wordpress?

There are several popular cache plugins for WordPress, including:

Redis Object Cache – A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.

Panomity WP Cache – Provides an extremely simple full page cache of the homepage.

WP Fastest Cache – This is a lightweight and easy-to-use plugin that offers a range of caching options, including minification and Gzip compression.

W3 Total Cache – This is a comprehensive caching plugin that offers a range of caching options, including page caching, database caching, and object caching.

WP Super Cache – This is a popular caching plugin that offers a range of caching options, including page caching, gzip compression, and CDN support.

Comet Cache – This is a simple and easy-to-use caching plugin that offers features such as page caching, browser caching, and Gzip compression.

LiteSpeed Cache – All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization.

It’s worth noting that the effectiveness of a caching plugin can depend on your website’s specific setup and requirements, so it’s a good idea to experiment with different options to find the best fit for your site.

Let’s test a WordPress WooCommerce Site – CaptainsCBDShop.com.

Without Cache Plugins – https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.captainscbdshop.com/bwO9zBlZ/

In this test, we will test without any plugins.

With Redis Object Cache

In this test, we set up redis and then installed the plugin in WordPress.

With Panomity WP Cache

In this test, we set up the Panomity WP Cache plugin.

WP Fastest Cache

Here we test with WP Fastest Cache.

W3 Total Cache

Below we set up W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache has a cool setup where you can configure it.

Here are the test results after installation.

According to chatAI, grep is a command-line utility tool in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that is used to search for specific patterns in a given text. It is a powerful and versatile tool that can search for patterns within one or more files or directories. grep stands for “global regular expression print”. It uses regular expressions to match and display lines that contain a specific pattern or string.

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LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) is an acronym denoting one of the most common software stacks for many of the web’s most popular applications.


LEMP is an open-source web application stack used to develop web applications. The term LEMP is an acronym that represents L for the Linux Operating system, Nginx (pronounced as engine-x, hence the E in the acronym) web server, M for MySQL database, and P for PHP scripting language.


WAMP (“Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP”) is an application server platform. WAMP is an acronym that stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It’s a software stack which means installing WAMP installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP on your operating system (Windows in the case of WAMP)


The acronym WIMP is a solution stack of software, partially free and open source software, used to run dynamic Web sites on servers. The term WIMP is an acronym that represents Windows, referring to the operating system, IIS, the Web server, MySQL, MS SQL Server or MS Access, the database management system (or database server) and PHP or others, e.g. the Perl, Python, PowerShell programming languages.

The Microsoft Web Platform Installer is a tool to install applications on a WIMP-system.

lsof command stands for List Of Open File. This command provides a list of files that are opened. Basically, it gives the information to find out the files that are opened by which process. If you encounter the below error while running the lsof command:

lsof: command not found

You may install the below package as per your choice of distribution.


apt-get install lsof


yum install lsof


dnf install lsof

lsof Command Examples

Running the lsof commands gives us a list of all the open files on the system.

By using the -u option and specifying the username, we get a list of open files for a particular user.

When we use the -i option and specify a port number, we get information about any process running on that port.

When we use both the -i and -u options with a particular username, we get information about the files and commands being accessed by that user.

Find the processes that have a given file open:

lsof path/to/file

Find the process that opened a local internet port

lsof -i :port