Here are the different apps in linux for compressing and archiving files.


Tarball: A tarball is a collection of multiple files in Linux stored as a single file. The term tarball comes from the coal-based sealant used during construction works. A tarball is often simply called a TAR file, which stands for Tape Archive. This is because the TAR filetype was originally created to store data in magnetic tapes.

Gzip: GNU gzip is a file compression algorithm used to compress files. The file extension for gzip is GZ and therefore, you can deduce that any file ending with GZ has been compressed using the gzip algorithm.

TAR.GZ: A TAR.GZ file is a version of a tarball compressed with the gzip algorithm. TAR is the file extension for tarballs, whereas GZ denotes gzip. The TGZ file extension is also used sometimes instead of TAR.GZ.

Bzip2: Similar to gzip, several other file compression algorithms are also available, including bzip2. When you compress a TAR file using bzip2, the output file will have either of the following extensions: TAR.BZ2, TAR.BZ, or simply TBZ.

How to Create TAR and TAR.GZ Files

Using the tar Utility
The basic syntax to create compressed tarballs using the tar command is:

$ sudo tar -cvzf archive filename
$ sudo tar -cvzf archive directory

Note that you need to pass the file extension (TAR or TAR.GZ) in the archive name as follows:

$ sudo tar -cvzf new.tar.gz big-file.txt
$ sudo tar -cvf new.tar big-file.txt

To archive and compress the /Documents directory using tar:

$ sudo tar -cvzf new.tar.gz ~/Documents

You can also compress multiple directories and files by creating a single tarball. To do so:

$ sudo tar -cvzf new.tar.gz ~/Documents ~/Downloads file1.txt file2.txt

Setting Up a Private IPFS Network with IPFS and IPFS-Cluster
Create 2 New Vm’s with Debian. In this case, these are 2 kvm VM’s but you can use any ones.

node0 bootstrap node,
node1 – client node,

Create a new user “ipfs”. Add sudo rights to the user ipfs.

Installing IPFS through the command-line is handy if you plan on building applications and services on top of an IPFS node. This method is also useful if you’re setting up a node without a user interface, usually the case with remote servers or virtual machines. Using IPFS through the command-line allows you to do everything that IPFS Desktop can do, but at a more granular level since you can specify which commands to run.

For this article, I have created a new user “ipfs”

# adduser ipfs
Adding user `ipfs' ...
Adding new group `ipfs' (1001) ...
Adding new user `ipfs' (1001) with group `ipfs' ...
Creating home directory `/home/ipfs' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for ipfs
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Full Name []: IPFS
        Room Number []: 1001
        Work Phone []:
        Home Phone []:
        Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y

By default sudo is not installed on Debian, but you can install it. First enable su-mode:

$ su -

Install sudo by running:

# apt-get install sudo -y

After that you would need to play around with users and permissions. Give sudo right to your own user.

# usermod -aG sudo ipfs

Make sure your sudoers file has sudo group added. Run:

# visudo

Allow members of group sudo to execute any command

ipfs   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

You need to re-login or reboot device completely for changes to take effect.

IPFS Install

Download the Linux binary from (opens new window).

# cd /home/ipfs

Unzip the file:

tar -xvzf kubo_v0.15.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz

> x kubo/
> x kubo/ipfs
> x kubo/LICENSE
> x kubo/LICENSE-MIT
> x kubo/

Move into the kubo folder and run the install script:

cd kubo
sudo bash
> Moved ./ipfs to /usr/local/bin

Test that IPFS has installed correctly:

ipfs --version
> ipfs version 0.15.0

Initialize IPFS

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will install two nodes: a bootstrap node and a client node. The bootstrap node is an IPFS node that other nodes can connect to in order to find other peers. Since we are creating our own private network, we cannot use the bootstrap nodes from the public IPFS network, so we will change these settings later. Select one of your machines as bootstrap node and one as client node.

IPFS is initialized in a hidden directory in your user home directory: ~/.ipfs. This directory will be used to initialize the nodes. On both machines, bootstrap node and client node, run the following.

IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs init --profile server

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all your VMs.

Creating a Private Network

To generate the swarm key there are two options: use a bash script, or install a key generator.

Option 1: Bash script

Create a swarm key

Swarm key allows us to create a private network and tell network peers to communicate only with those peers who share this secret key.

This command should be run only on your Node0. We generate swarm.key on the bootstrap node and then just copy it to the rest of the nodes. Works on Linux. On Mac, use a generator.

$ echo -e "/key/swarm/psk/1.0.0/\n/base16/\n`tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c64`" > ~/.ipfs/swarm.key

Option 2: Installation of a key generator

The second option is to install the swarm key generator. Do this is you have a mac.

Install Go

Follow Instructions here –

To install the swarm key generator we use go get, which uses git. If you have not installed git yet on your bootstrap node, do so with

$ sudo apt-get install git

Run the following command to install the swarm key generator:

$ go get -u

Run the swarm key generator to create the swarm file in your .ipfs directory:

$ ./go/bin/ipfs-swarm-key-gen > ~/.ipfs/swarm.key

Copy the generated swarm file to the .ipfs directory of all client nodes.

From Node0 home directory

$ cd .ipfs/
$ cat swarm.key

On node1, create swarm.key in /home/ipfs/.ipfs

$ nano swarm.key

Add to file the 3 lines from node0 swarm.key:


Bootstrap IPFS nodes

A bootstrap node is used by client nodes to connect to the private IPFS network. The bootstrap connects clients to other nodes available on the network. In our private network we cannot use the bootstrap of the public IPFS network, so in this section we will replace the existing bootstrap with the ip address and peer identity of the bootstrap node.

First, remove the default entries of bootstrap nodes from both the bootnode and the client node. Use the command on both machines:

IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs bootstrap rm --all

Check the result to see the bootstrap is empty with:

IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs config show | grep "Bootstrap"
  "Bootstrap": null,

Now add the ip address and the Peer Identity (hash address) of your bootstrap node to each of the nodes including the bootstrap node.

The ip address of the bootnode can be found with hostname -I.

$ hostname -I 2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe4c:c469

The Peer Identity was created during the initialization of IPFS and can be found with the following statement.

$ IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs config show | grep "PeerID"
    "PeerID": "12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3"

Use your results as follows:

Assemble the add bootstrap statement as follows.


$ IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/

Run your statement on both the bootstrap node and the client node.

You should see:

$ IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/
added /ip4/

Start the network

The private network is installed, so we can test this network.

We will use an environment variable to make sure that if there is a mistake in our configuration or the private network is not fully configured, the nodes don’t connect to the public IPFS network and the daemons just fail.

The environment variable is LIBP2PFORCEPNET and to start the IPFS nodes you just need to start the daemon using the “ipfs daemon”.

Run on both nodes.

$ export LIBP2P_FORCE_PNET=1

To start daemon:

$ IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs ipfs daemon

Do note the message log stating…”Swarm is limited to private network of peers with the swarm key”, which means that our private network is working perfectly.

Note: Each console is now showing te daemon command. Open 2 new consoles to node0 and node1.

Now add a file to our private network on one node and try to access it from the other node.

$ echo "Hello World!" > file1.txt
$ ipfs add file1.txt
added QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG file1.txt
 13 B / 13 B [==========================================================] 100.00%
$ ipfs cat QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG
Hello World!

Take the printed hash and try to the cat file from client node – node1.

$ ipfs cat QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG
Hello World!

You should see the contents of the added file from the first node node0. To check and be sure that we have a private network we can try to access our file by its CID from the public IPFS gateway. You can choose one of the public gateways from this list:

If you did everything right, then the file won’t be accessible. Also, you can run the “ipfs swarm peers”command, and it will display a list of the peers in the network it’s connected to. In our example, each peer sees the other one.

From bootstrap node – node0

$ ipfs swarm peers

From client node – node1

$ ipfs swarm peers

If the same file is uploaded on an other node, the same hash is generated, so the file is not stored twice on the network.

To upload a complete directory, add the directory name and the -r option (recursive). The directory and the files in it are hashed:

$ ipfs add directory_name -r

Run IPFS daemon as a service in the background

Create systemctl service for ipfs on both nodes – node0 and node1:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service

Add the following (The user is “ipfs”. Change here is using a different user):

Description=IPFS Daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-namesys-pubsub

restart systemctl daemon so it finds new service:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

tell systemctl that ipfs should be started on startup:

$ sudo systemctl enable ipfs

Reboot both nodes and run below:

$ sudo systemctl status ipfs

should see something like

$ sudo systemctl status ipfs
[sudo] password for ipfs:
● ipfs.service - IPFS Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-10 09:23:46 CDT; 2min 24s ago
 Main PID: 387 (ipfs)
    Tasks: 9 (limit: 1149)
   Memory: 77.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs.service
           └─387 /usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-namesys-pubsub

Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm listening on /ip4/
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm announcing /ip4/
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm announcing /ip4/
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Swarm announcing /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: API server listening on /ip4/
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: WebUI:
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/127
Jun 10 09:23:46 ipfs3 ipfs[387]: Daemon is ready

Try to add the file from one node and access it from another as in above.

On node0

$ echo IPFS Rocks! > rocks.txt
$ ipfs add rocks.txt
added QmQCzFx1YUpBjDStPczthtzKEoQY3gGDvSx1RJiz33abcR rocks.txt
 12 B / 12 B [=========================================================] 100.00%

On node1 check for file

$ ipfs cat QmQCzFx1YUpBjDStPczthtzKEoQY3gGDvSx1RJiz33abcR
IPFS Rocks!

We have completed part of creating a private IPFS network and running its demons as a service. At this phase, you should have two IPFS nodes (node0 and node1) organized in one private network.

Let’s create our IPFS-CLUSTER for data replication.

Deploying IPFS-Cluster

After we create a private IPFS network, we can start deploying IPFS-Cluster on top of IPFS for automated data replication and better management of our data.

There are two ways how to organize IPFS cluster, the first one is to set a fixed peerset (so you will not be able to increase your cluster with more peers after the creation) and the other one – to bootstrap nodes (you can add new peers after cluster was created). In this case we will be bootstrapping nodes.

IPFS-Cluster includes two components:

  • ipfs-cluster-service mostly to initialize cluster peer and run its daemon
  • ipfs-cluster-ctl for managing nodes and data among the cluster

Check the URL’s for new versions at:

Install IPFS cluster-service and IPFS Cluster-Ctl

Repeat this step for all of your nodes (node0 and node1).

$ wget

IPFS cluster-ctl

$ wget

Un-compress them.

$ tar xvfz ipfs-cluster-service_v1.0.4_linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz ipfs-cluster-ctl_v1.0.4_linux-amd64.tar.gz


$ sudo cp ipfs-cluster-service/ipfs-cluster-service /usr/local/bin
$ sudo cp ipfs-cluster-ctl/ipfs-cluster-ctl /usr/local/bin

Confirm things are installed correctly:

$ ipfs-cluster-service help
$ ipfs-cluster-ctl help

Generate and set up CLUSTER_SECRET variable

Now we need to generate CLUSTERSECRET and set it as an environment variable for all peers participating in the cluster. Sharing the same CLUSTERSECRET allow peers to understand that they are part of one IPFS-Cluster. We will generate this key on the bootstrap node (node0) and then copy it to all other nodes. This is a private key and the secret key which is 32-bit hex encoded random string is what keeps it private. Only peers that have this key can communicate with the cluster. Generate it and display:

On your first node (bootstrap node , node0) run the following commands:

$ export CLUSTER_SECRET=$(od -vN 32 -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d ' \n')

You should see something like this:


In order for CLUSTER_SECRET to not disappear after you exit the console session, you must add it as a constant environment variable to the .bashrc file. Copy the printed key after echo command and add it to the end of .bashrc file on all of your nodes.Run this on node0 and node1.

export CLUSTER_SECRET=7d33cbf9b48845db5b8ba07eacb7898eea44f888576b9a19098fe33a7524d774

And don’t forget to update your .bashrc file with command:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Initialize and Start cluster

After we have installed IPFS-Cluster service and set a CLUSTER_SECRET environment variable, we are ready to initialize and start first cluster peer (Node0).

Note: make sure that your ipfs daemon is running before you start the ipfs-cluster-service daemon.

On node0 run:

$ systemctl status ipfs
● ipfs.service - IPFS Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-10 09:23:46 CDT; 41min ago
 Main PID: 387 (ipfs)
    Tasks: 9 (limit: 1149)
   Memory: 78.3M
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs.service
           └─387 /usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-namesys-pubsub

To initialize cluster peer, we need to run the command below on node0 only:

$ ipfs-cluster-service init
2021-06-10T10:06:36.240-0500    INFO    config  config/config.go:481    Saving configuration
configuration written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/service.json.
2021-06-10T10:06:36.242-0500    INFO    config  config/identity.go:73   Saving identity
new identity written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json
new empty peerstore written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/peerstore.

You should see the output above in the console. Please note the following:

…new identity written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json

Let display and note the identity as we will need this later. This is the cluser peer id. On node0 run:

$ grep id /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json
    "id": "12D3KooWMHkMEccR9XXaJDnoWZtXb2zEdmoUtmbGCsM21DjfxHud",

The “id” is the cluster peer id.

To start cluster peer, run below on node0 only:

$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon

You should see the following:

$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon
2021-06-10T10:13:40.672-0500    INFO    service ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:4
6       Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
2021-06-10T10:13:40.816-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
136     IPFS Cluster v0.13.3 listening on:
        /ip4/                                                                                                             sknQePoMUxc
        /ip4/                                                                                                             QePoMUxc

2021-06-10T10:13:40.817-0500    INFO    restapi rest/restapi.go:521     REST API
(HTTP): /ip4/
2021-06-10T10:13:40.818-0500    INFO    ipfsproxy       ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:3
20      IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/
2021-06-10T10:13:40.819-0500    INFO    crdt    go-ds-crdt@v0.1.20/crdt.go:278 c
rdt Datastore created. Number of heads: 0. Current max-height: 0
2021-06-10T10:13:40.819-0500    INFO    crdt    crdt/consensus.go:300   'trust a
ll' mode enabled. Any peer in the cluster can modify the pinset.
2021-06-10T10:13:40.862-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
651     Cluster Peers (without including ourselves):
2021-06-10T10:13:40.862-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
653         - No other peers
2021-06-10T10:13:40.863-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
666     ** IPFS Cluster is READY **

Bootstrapping Additional Peers (adding them to cluster)

Open a new console window and connect to the client node (node1). Note: make sure that your ipfs daemon is running before you start the ipfs-cluster-service daemon.

$ systemctl status ipfs
● ipfs.service - IPFS Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-10 09:23:53 CDT; 59min ago
 Main PID: 390 (ipfs)
    Tasks: 8 (limit: 1149)
   Memory: 78.3M
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs.service
           └─390 /usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-namesys-pubsub

Run the following commands to initialize IPFS-Cluster on node1.

$ ipfs-cluster-service init
2021-06-10T10:24:20.276-0500    INFO    config  config/config.go:481    Saving configuration
configuration written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/service.json.
2021-06-10T10:24:20.278-0500    INFO    config  config/identity.go:73   Saving identity
new identity written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/identity.json
new empty peerstore written to /home/ipfs/.ipfs-cluster/peerstore.

Now we add the node1 to the cluster bootstrap it to node0 as follows:

$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon –bootstrap /ip4/first_node_IP/tcp/9096/ipfs/peer_id

So login to node0 on a new ssh console. The peer id can be found with the following Run this on node0:

$ cd .ipfs-cluster/
$ cat identity.json
    "id": "12D3KooWSEaZydrYik9gKenUhezTi2z8NBXYHB2RmsknQePoMUxc",
    "private_key": "CAESQBHGvM9TBWBRHcl8J4qiuQMk0ka4N8gcSyVCyDRkYgJ/8+7znFeoKBw2Z+a6CQik//4dKCX1REwF2Awrqh3B2uU="

Bear in mind that it should be IPFS-Cluster peer ID, not an IPFS peer ID.

The ip can be displayed as:

hostname -I 2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe99:a8ad

Here is the full command in our case Run this on node1:

$ ipfs-cluster-service daemon –bootstrap /ip4/
2021-06-10T10:40:51.361-0500    INFO    service ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:4
6       Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
2021-06-10T10:40:51.485-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
136     IPFS Cluster v0.13.3 listening on:

2021-06-10T10:40:51.486-0500    INFO    restapi rest/restapi.go:521     REST API
(HTTP): /ip4/
2021-06-10T10:40:51.486-0500    INFO    ipfsproxy       ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:3
20      IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/
2021-06-10T10:40:51.487-0500    INFO    crdt    go-ds-crdt@v0.1.20/crdt.go:278 c
rdt Datastore created. Number of heads: 0. Current max-height: 0
2021-06-10T10:40:51.487-0500    INFO    crdt    crdt/consensus.go:300   'trust a
ll' mode enabled. Any peer in the cluster can modify the pinset.
2021-06-10T10:40:51.545-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
651     Cluster Peers (without including ourselves):
2021-06-10T10:40:51.545-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
653         - No other peers
2021-06-10T10:40:51.546-0500    INFO    cluster ipfs-cluster@v0.13.3/cluster.go:
666     ** IPFS Cluster is READY **

To check that we have two peers in our cluster, run command on both nodes in a different terminal:

On node0

$ ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls
12D3KooWD6gwpVwW31p2Wan3BnYEkQy5X8QpL51aoiPdAR3X2wnZ | node1| Sees 1 other peers
  > Addresses:
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
  > IPFS: 12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
    - /ip6/2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe99:a8ad/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
    - /ip6/::1/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
12D3KooWSEaZydrYik9gKenUhezTi2z8NBXYHB2RmsknQePoMUxc | node0 | Sees 1 other peers
  > Addresses:
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
  > IPFS: 12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
    - /ip6/2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe4c:c469/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3
    - /ip6/::1/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3

On node1

$ ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls
12D3KooWD6gwpVwW31p2Wan3BnYEkQy5X8QpL51aoiPdAR3X2wnZ | node1 | Sees 1 other peers
  > Addresses:
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
  > IPFS: 12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
    - /ip6/2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe99:a8ad/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
    - /ip6/::1/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWFbTdbLXbucZMekBxyqqhRKPboZvYKiX1yBVmtikiUXCG
12D3KooWSEaZydrYik9gKenUhezTi2z8NBXYHB2RmsknQePoMUxc | node0 | Sees 1 other peers
  > Addresses:
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
  > IPFS: 12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3
    - /ip4/
    - /ip4/
    - /ip6/2603:8081:2301:3b54:5054:ff:fe4c:c469/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3
    - /ip6/::1/tcp/4001/p2p/12D3KooWM5oWJ2Z55dCSvyB3Zo6nS1zW1GvnoZSdxNdDCuDAGvb3

And you should see the list of cluster peers.

Run IPFS-Cluster daemon as a service

In the 2 terminal for each node that have the ipfs daemon running, hit “ctrl-c” to stop the daemon.

Lets add the ipfs-cluster-service daemon as a service. On both nodes, run the following:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster-service.service

Add the following:

Description=IPFS Cluster Service

LimitNOFILE={{ ipfs_cluster_fd_max }}
Environment="IPFS_CLUSTER_FD_MAX={{ ipfs_cluster_fd_max}}"
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon


Restart systemctl daemon so it finds new service. Do this on both nodes.

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable ipfs-cluster-service.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster-service.service.
$ sudo systemctl start ipfs-cluster-service
$ sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster-service
● ipfs-cluster-service.service - IPFS Cluster Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipfs-cluster-service.service; enabled; ven
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-10 11:04:23 CDT; 20s ago
 Main PID: 584 (ipfs-cluster-se)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 1149)
   Memory: 39.7M
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipfs-cluster-service.service
           └─584 /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service daemon

Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.613-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]:         /ip4/
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]:         /ip4/
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.672-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.672-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.673-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.673-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.674-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.674-0500
Jun 10 11:04:23 ipfs3 ipfs-cluster-service[584]: 2021-06-10T11:04:23.674-0500

Reboot both nodes.

$ sudo shutdown -r now

Login after reboot and check that both IPFS and IPFS-Cluster services are running.

$ sudo systemctl status ipfs
$ sudo systemctl status ipfs-cluster-service

Test IPFS-Cluster and data replication

To test data replication, create the file on node0 and add it to the cluster:

$ echo Hello World! > myfile.txt
$ cd ipfs-cluster-ctl/
$ ipfs-cluster-ctl add /home/ipfs/myfile.txt
added QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG myfile.txt

Take hash id of the recently added file and check its status:

$ ipfs-cluster-ctl status QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG

You should see that this file has been PINNED among all cluster nodes.

$ ipfs-cluster-ctl status QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG
    > node1                : PINNED | 2021-06-10T16:18:20.744805693Z
    > node0                : PINNED | 2021-06-10T11:18:20.740298488-05:00

To convert your CentOS8 operating system to AlmaLinux do the following:

-Make a backup of the system.
-Disable Secure Boot because AlmaLinux doesn’t support it yet.
-Download the script: run the system update and upgrade command

In CentOS and run the system update and upgrade command.

# sudo dnf update 
# sudo dnf upgrade

Install Curl, if you don’t have it:

# sudo dnf install curl

Download the CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux migration script.

# curl -O

Run the downloaded script with sudo rights or as root. Thiswill download all the necessary packages and replace the default CentOS repos, logos, and other things with AlmaLinux.

# sudo bash

Check release info

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
AlmaLinux release 8.3 (Purple Manul)

Check the default kernel by running:

# sudo grubby --info DEFAULT | grep AlmaLinux


title="AlmaLinux (4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3.x86_64) 8.3 (Purple Manul)"

To find out where disk space is being used:

Get to the root of your machine by running

# cd /


# sudo du -h --max-depth=1

Note which directories are using a lot of disk space.
cd into one of the big directories.

# ls -l

to see which files are using a lot of space. Delete any you don’t need.
Repeat steps to run once you cd into the directory with the largest size

sudo du -h --max-depth=1

How to tell the network speed of network cards in Linux?

CentOS 7

Find the network cards:

ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens160: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:0c:29:d5:dc:4a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global ens160
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fed5:dc4a/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: ens192: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:0c:29:d5:dc:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global ens192
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fed5:dc54/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


# ethtool ens160
Settings for ens160:
        Supported ports: [ TP ]
        Supported link modes:   1000baseT/Full
        Supported pause frame use: No
        Supports auto-negotiation: No
        Advertised link modes:  Not reported
        Advertised pause frame use: No
        Advertised auto-negotiation: No
        Speed: 10000Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Port: Twisted Pair
        PHYAD: 0
        Transceiver: internal
        Auto-negotiation: off
        MDI-X: Unknown
        Supports Wake-on: uag
        Wake-on: d
        Link detected: yes

# ethtool ens160 | grep Speed
        Speed: 10000Mb/s


for i in $(netstat -i | cut -f1 -d" " | tail -n+3) ; do echo "$i: $(ethtool "$i" | grep Speed | sed 's/Speed://g')" ; done
cat /sys/class/net/<interface>/speed
# cat /sys/class/net/ens160/speed

Above would be in MB.


# dmesg |grep eth0
[0.932304] vmxnet3 0000:03:00.0 eth0: NIC Link is Up 10000 Mbps